The datasets available here are those used for sensitivity experiments in the paper by Sigmond et al. (2023): "Improvements in the Canadian Earth System Model (CanESM) through systematic model analysis: CanESM5.0 and CanESM5.1" All datasets are provided as netcdf files that are readable by standard tools (e.g., the xarray python package). * Dust (Section 5.1) * The dust/ directory contains files of dust optical depth used in Figure 9. CanAM5.1-refBGF corresponds to filenames *oldem-oldrad-bulk*.nc CanAM5.1-newBGF corresponds to filenames *newem-oldrad-bulk*.nc * North Atlantic sea ice (Section 5.3.1) * The sea_ice/ directory contains monthly sea ice concentration (siconc) data used in Figure 16. Subdirectory names correpond to each model variant, as used in the following plots: OMIP: Fig. 16a OMIP-CanESM5: Fig. 16b Expt2_historical: Fig. 16c Expt1_historical: Fig. 16d obs_runoff_piControl: Fig. 16e wind_nudging_historical: Fig. 16f * Winter cold bias above sea ice (Section 5.3.2) * The sea_ice/ directory contains monthly surface temperature (tas) data used in Figure A13. Subdirectory names correpond to each model variant, as used in the following plots: Expt4_piControl: Fig. A13a,b Expt3_piControl: Fig. A13c,d Expt2_piControl: Fig. A13e,f Expt1_piControl: Fig. A13g,h The control case for Figure A13 (with respect to which anomalies are plotted) is the dataset: available from the ESGF. * Stratospheric circulation (Section 5.3.3) * The stratosphere/ directory contains the CanESM5-G and CanAM5-G[1,2,3] model variants indicated in Table 4. Subdirectory names correspond to the model variant labels used in Figures 18 and 19. Each subdirectory contains zonal-mean zonal wind data for the 5 ensemble members plotted for that model variant. * Land surface temperatures and albedo (Section 5.3.4) * The land/ directory contains the CLASSIC output used in Figure 20c-h. Subdirectories contain the output from different CLASSIC experiments: transient_CanESM5: CLASSIC forced offline with CanESM5-historical transient_CRUJRAv2: CLASSIC forced offline with CRUJRAv2 transient_GSWP3-W5E5: CLASSIC forced offline with GSWP3-W5E5 For each experiment the two plotted variables are provided in these files: Surface albedo: Snow water equivalent: For CanESM5.0, surface albedo (Figure 20a) was computed as the ratio of upwelling and downwelling shortwave radiation using these files: which are available from the ESGF (e.g., CanESM5.0 snow water equivalent (Figure 20b) is available from ESGF: