Model simulations: *All EMEP MSC-W model simulations for AMAP were type 0. *The simulations were done during the period September 2019 - March 2020 with EMEP MSC-W model version v4.33. *The simulations were done on 0.5x0.5 degree resolution, covered the 1990-2015 period, and used ECMWF meteorology for each respective year. *ECLIPSE v6b data were used for anthropogenic emissions. These were given in 5-year intervals (intermediate years' emission data were interpolated linearly). Country-specific split files, i.e. data on speciation of PM and VOC emissions, were provided by IIASA to EMEP MSC-W (based on previous collaboration between IIASA and EMEP MSC-W) and used in the simulations for AMAP. *In addition, simulations were done for 2020, 2030, 2040, and 2050 using ECLIPSE v6b emission scenarios CLE and MFR. These runs were driven by 2015 meteorology (ECMWF). Caveats: *For fire emissions we used the FINN data set, differing from the data set recommended by the protocol. *Seasonal variation of anthropogenic emission sources was not used.